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Sunday, January 1, 2012



A good friend and columnist named Lee Goldman and I have recently started a new organization called Citizens Against Politics As Usual and have just opened our website; (pronounced Kapow). We hope you will take the time to visit our website to learn more about what we believe has caused the majority of the problems that America faces today, and what we believe we the people must do to take back control of our country from the professional politicians in  Washington who have fallen under the influence of power and the money that must be raised from special interests in order to stay in office. These elected leaders no longer serve our nation in the best interests of we the people...instead they focus first on the interests of the organizations served by the lobbies who work so hard to affect legislation in their favor.

Please check out our website and let us know what you think.

Best regards,
Mike Tower
Hendersonville, NC

Please visit:

Citizens Against Politics As Usual

Lee's Political Opinion

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