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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Romney vs. Obama

September 2, 2012

Obama vs. Romney: My Opinions

Recently in the Times-News, a Nicolas Kristof column began with a clever taunt to read the following quotes and guess which presidential candidate said each. My initial thought comes a series of jabs at Mitt Romney. As expected, Kristof finished by asking "who is the real Mitt Romney?".

Kristof could have written a similar article about President Obama and his flip-flopping on campaign promises made while running for president in 2008. He could have written about his original positions on issues such as: same sex marriage, the debt ceiling, illegal immigration, NASA, the closing of Guantanamo Bay, military tribunals, unilateral military action (Libya), anti-missile defense for Europe, Bush tax cuts, the Patriot Act, lobbyists, and his promise for total name just a few. All of those campaigning positions have been reversed or ignored since his election.

Mr. Romney, of course, has taken both sides of many issues too. The reality of primary campaigning requires a candidate to focus on the main task of winning their party's nomination before they can even think about actually competing against the opposing party's candidate. Campaign tactics are driven by the reality that both parties include voters with a wide range of differing personal beliefs which must be appealed to in order to win the nomination. Mistakes are immediately exposed and punished. Do you remember, for example, Newt Gingrich saying all Americans should be on Medicare, and then quickly rescinding his statement when voter backlash exploded? Most intelligent voters understand this gamesmanship is simply part of the "art" of politics. Can you even imagine how difficult this tight-rope is to walk? How often do you see any candidate consistently speak the truth as they see it? Ron Paul has tried for years and, while garnering a small loyal following, has failed to gain significant national support. With our current level of media "show" exposure and editorialization, it forces every answer to be laundered for political expediency. Prior to our own recent GOP congressional runoff election, LeRoy Goldman and I interviewed the two candidates, Vance Patterson and Mark Meadows. It quickly became apparent that both had much practice in responding to every question in ways which, while answering the question, were buffered to protect them from a possible fatal blunder. One of them even admitted the most difficult part of running was feeling forced to answer every question truthfully, but in ways which would appeal to the largest number of voters...and offend the fewest.

Both parties take endless polls to determine what their loyalists and on-the-fencers most want to hear...and then both candidates spew the words they have been instructed to say by their speech writers. I am not accusing them of being out and out liars. I am saying that they are mostly telling you what they think that you most want to hear...either positively about themselves, or negatively about their opponent.

In sharing which candidate I will vote for, I am not favoring one party over the other. Frankly, I sincerely believe that neither party is working to serve the best interests of the majority of Americans. However, as trite as it might sound, I think that we must once again answer the simple question that I first heard Ronald Reagan ask before the 1980 election; "are you better off than you were four years ago?" We must also honestly and realistically consider the experiences, qualifications, and values of our two presidential candidates regardless of party. Mr. Obama has almost zero (read none) working or leadership experience within any private-sector capitalistic enterprise. This has been repeatedly reflected in his decisions and performance. How could anyone realistically expect such a person to understand how to provide the needed leadership required to turn the largest economy in the world around? Mr. Romney, on the other hand, has demonstrated by experiences, and results that he understands what it takes to work successfully within a capitalistic economy. It is absolutely clear that Mr. Obama's promises of hope and change without him having the needed experience didn't and won't work. Is Mitt Romney the person we should trust with our nation's future during this particularly dark time? I don't know for sure, but I am certain that Mr. Obama's performance has proven that our nation cannot afford to risk our children's future in his hands any longer.

The United States, in spite of its many economic problems, remains the most powerful and envied nation in the world. Our nation can be saved, but it will take strong experienced leadership, significant mutual sacrifices, and collective political bargaining to patch up the good ship America and salvage the future for our generations to follow.

Fewer than a dozen states, including North Carolina, will determine whether the name of our next president is Obama or Romney. Since the majority of Democrats and Republicans will likely vote according to party affiliation in these swing states, the winner of this presidential election will most likely be determined by independent voters. If you are an independent voter and think Mr. Obama deserves to be re-elected, then by all means vote your conscience. If not, then vote for Mr. Romney. Which ever side you support, please be sure to vote.

These are my opinions. What do you think?

Mike Tower

Please visit:  Citizens Against Politics As Usual

Contact me:  Mike Tower

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