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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Maybe America's problems aren't so bad?

July 29, 2012

Maybe things aren't so bad after all?

I have been accused by some readers of being too pessimistic. I thought about that at length and decided that in this article I would focus on the positive aspects of some of our nation's challenges.

For example, instead of focusing on the 30 million Americans who have no health insurance, let's remember that over 90% of all Americans do have some form of insurance coverage. By the way, about half of all American's health coverage is provided by Medicare, Medicaid, Government Employee, and the VA health care systems...those dreaded public options! Instead of worrying about the 25 million or so who do not enjoy full employment, remember that over 125 million Americans are working...albeit with wages that have been stagnant for well over a decade. Instead of focusing on the roughly 50% of workers paying no federal income taxes, let's celebrate the positive fact that almost half of all working Americans make enough money to be able pay these taxes, and lets make them pay even more. Instead of bemoaning the trillions of dollars that have been spent on our last two wasted wars, lets be happy that both of these are winding down and the citizens of Iraq and Afghanistan are now far better off than before we came...aren't they? Let's stop being so worried about the state of our children's education. Let's just ask for more federal involvement, encourage more unions, stronger tenure rules, lower teacher pay, more end point testing, and even less parental involvement. After all, how important is it to worry about our kids and grandkids receiving the types of quality education that will actually prepare them to live productive adult lives in our rapidly changing global environment? Instead of continuing to be upset at the fact that over 12 million illegal immigrants have been allowed/encouraged to enter our country over the past three decades, look at the money we saved by not enforcing our borders, and the fact that with the economy remaining weak, fewer and fewer are now coming to America. Instead of being unhappy with the fluctuating cost of gasoline, let's keep buying gas guzzlers. Housing values underwater...look at the bright side, housing prices have never been lower...what a great buying opportunity. Now if we could just create jobs and convince those darn banks to start lending money again we might actually sell more homes and drive prices higher. If you were unhappy that none of the bankers, Wall Street types, and even some of our culpable elected officials were charged with any crimes or had to serve even a day in jail for their role in creating the housing bubble that nearly sank our nation...look at the bright side about how much this helped reduce jail and prison over-crowding. If you are unhappy at the OWS crowd going after the 1%? Look at the positive fact that they haven't yet decided to go after the top 30%. We should all celebrate the creation of ethanol as the renewable replacement for gasoline. Let's ignore the fact that it costs more energy than it saves to produce. Let's also ignore the fact that this has reduced the amount of corn and other competing grains available for foodstuffs...resulting in significantly higher food prices. The best news here is that the EPA has not raised the allowable ethanol levels to 20 or 25% instead of the 15% currently approved. Let's celebrate the fact that only about a fourth of our children now live in households whose income falls below the poverty line. More good news; our national debt is only $16 trillion. I say only because it has been projected by the OMB to increase by about one trillion dollars per year for the coming decade. Thus $16trillion will seem like chicken feed compared to the projected $26 trillion by 2022.

We should be ecstatic that in spite of an approval rating of less than 10% for our federally elected lawmakers...we continue to re-elect incumbents over 90% of the time. Think of the pleasure this brings to them and their families, and the powerful special interests who don't have to worry about training new lawmakers to follow their orders. Finally we also should be grateful that the two parties are so frozen in partisan politics. If they were not, who else could we blame for all of our problems? Surely we wouldn't look in a mirror...would we??

Hmm...maybe I am a pessimist. But if so I'm an optimistic one because I am certainly positive that one cannot look at these irrefutable facts and not conclude that something is terribly wrong with our nation. If you disagree please let me know what you see that I am missing. I would prefer optimism over pessimism any day...I just need some evidence.

I can't wait for my Ostrich-like (oops...optimists) friends to read this...though, it's likely that they have their heads buried so deeply in the sand that they won't see what is so clearly visible anyway?? Haven't you found in your own life experience that ignoring problems usually makes them become less problematic?

As usual, these are my opinions. What do you think?

Mike Tower
Hendersonville, NC

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